Legacy Biblearc Shutdown // New Biblearc Updates

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By Andy Hubert
January 27, 2023
Category: Announcements

Legacy Biblearc is in the process of shutting down.

With the completion of more features on the new Biblearc, it is now time to shut down the legacy Biblearc site. This process will take a few days as user data is transferred over for those users who have not previously opted to do so. When this process is complete for your account, you will receive an email alerting you to this.
For users with existing projects, but without an active Biblearc TOOLS subscription, you will now be able to view your projects on the new Biblearc. To edit them and create new projects, subscribe to Biblearc TOOLS.

The New Biblearc has received several improvements.

Tutorials and the like

See the new Your Biblearc TOOLS page for animations showing you how to use core project functionality. We also have a page now dedicated to demonstrating the basic usage of The Biblearc Bible (i.e. the new homepage). Finally, look for the ? icon button in study module settings for an animated explanation on using the Discourse (Arcing and Bracketing), Phrasing, and Diagramming modules.

Original language tools

Thayer's, BDB, the LXX, and context-smart original language search suggestions are now available on the new Biblearc.

Greater flexibility in projects

You are now able to search projects by passage and will find all projects with a study module that overlaps that passage reference. In addition, you can paste in any Bible translations when creating your arc, phrases, etc. And finally, study module sharing is also back and now really simple to use.

Add study modules and passages to Notes

This is a big step up from legacy Biblearc’s Markup module and Published Pages. Take a look and play around. (We’ll provide more information and tutorials in the future.)

Links to legacy Biblearc Published Pages will still work.

Within the next week, we will complete the development needed to map the legacy Biblearc Published Page URLs to new Biblearc shared pages. Thus, there need not be any concern about links you’ve saved or even published—they will continue to work even after the shutdown of legacy Biblearc.

There is much more to come.

A Word Study module, new Phrasing, Arcing/Bracketing, and Diagramming modules, a Divisions module, history, Bible Tags lexicon, etc etc etc. We’ll be in touch.
