Hebrew III

Reading the Old Testament

This course series takes a unique approach to learning Biblical Hebrew, utilizing worship songs in Hebrew as the basis for learning. By immersing ourselves in Hebrew songs, absorbing vocabulary and studying grammar becomes more of a joyful activity and less of a chore. This method also directs our study of Biblical Hebrew straight to its end goal from the start—to glorify the God who has given us his priceless word. Thus, the aim of this course series is to take someone without any knowledge of Hebrew and to equip them to begin reading and understanding the text.

Hebrew III greatly expands students’ knowledge of verbs, covering the imperfect form, imperatives, and infinitives. We also will examine cantillation marks in more detail, all while continuing to add on more vocabulary. These topics round off all major grammatical features of biblical Hebrew, making “Reading the Old Testament” a truly fitting subtitle and legitimate expectation for students.

[[ This series includes Hebrew I, II, III, and IV—equivalent to more than one year of seminary-level Hebrew. ]]
[Course image]

An online, interactive course

Our core courses, called “Path Courses,” are designed to lead you deeper in your study of Scripture through academic rigor and a heart of worship. We have laid out fifteen different courses along the entire spectrum of Bible study training so that there might be something for everyone—both new believers and veteran pastors, stay-at-home moms and missionaries. These courses are conveniently online and include personal coaching, feedback on assignments, big rewards, and more. All of this to help you persevere to the end and truly learn to study the scriptures in greater depth. Our classroom also covers the globe, giving you the opportunity to participate in a truly unique form of fellowship. Finally, path courses are built to equip you to use Biblearc’s extensive Bible study toolbox so you can go on to discover new biblical glories for yourself.

About the “studying with precision” series

To precisely divide the Word of God, we must learn the biblical languages. This is a long, hard road—but one with great reward. It is through a careful study of Hebrew and Greek that the gospel is guarded from false teaching. It is by the study of these ancient languages that the Church is adorned with the full counsel of God.


Hebrew I and Hebrew II (or equivalent Hebrew study in another capacity)

Meet the course coaches



This course is composed of ten lessons, with each lesson ending in an assignment. A single lesson will take the average student three to four hours to complete. Students are invited to progress at their own pace. Your coach will inquire as to your intended pace shortly after you begin and help keep you accountable to stay on schedule.


Path courses all end with an assessment to determine your grasp of the skills learned and material covered. Successfully passing an assessment requires a high degree of understanding and is meant to serve as a motivation to take your study seriously as well as a catalyst to improve the standard of Bible study in the Biblearc community.
Students who successfully complete the course and pass the assessment will earn Biblearc’s Hebrew III Certificate. They will also earn exciting rewards.
If you do not pass an assessment, you may retry after one week’s time.


Cheat Sheets+


If you are accessing this course via a church or ministry website and not directly at Biblearc.com, then this course is restricted to members or regular attenders of the local church or organization associated with this site. If you are interested in taking this course outside of this capacity, you may enroll through Biblearc.
Biblearc owns all permissions of this course. However, understand that you may be viewing a modified version, personalized for your church or organization. You can find the original course here.

This course is currently available in English only.

Interested in helping us develop this course in other languages? Let us know.