
The Art of Exploring Your Bible

Biblearc’s Bible search functionality is massively powerful. But most Christians do not take advantage of the ability to search like a scholar, though the capability lies beneath their finger tips. This course seeks to activate this potential. From carefully composed topical searches, to theological question development, to exploring exegetical details and using the original languages in your searches, this course will equip you to make the best use of that little magnifying glass in the top corner of your app.

“Searching” is a Biblearc Mini-Course. Mini-Courses are designed to help you make better use of Biblearc’s tools while also giving a you taste of our core “Path Courses” which cover the entire spectrum of Bible study training.

This course is FREE.
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About the Discovery! Course

This course is an abbreviated version of our Discovery! Path Course , which offers training in even more Bible study aids, and includes assignments with personal feedback and live coaching. Thus, while beneficial on its own, this mini-course will leave some students wanting more—something that can be satisfied by taking Discovery!.




This mini-course is composed of four lessons. Each lesson contains a devotional video, instructional content, an instant feedback quiz, a video demonstration, and an opportunity to practice. A single lesson will take the average student one hour to complete.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Searching a Topic Lesson 2: Searching Theology Lesson 3: Searching Details Lesson 4: Searching the Original