Does Hebrew have different letters than English? Yes. Do you read it right-to-left? Yes. Does it follow completely different rules than English? Yes. Is it vital for careful and accurate Old Testament interpretation? Yes.For that reason, Biblearc offers many Hebrew tools: the biblical text itself, textual differences, definitions of words, detailed search capabilities, four courses to teach the basics of biblical Hebrew, and ...
What sweet grace that God communicated his truth via the written word—making his message translatable and, thus, accessible across many languages. Moreover, for English readers, we have a wealth of excellent translations to help facilitate fruitful study of Scripture. I hope you make regular use of the compare versions feature in Biblearc, available with a single click (of a verse number).Nevertheless, there remains tremendous value in knowing biblical Greek and Hebrew. The story of the Reformation bears testimony to the importance of looking to the original language texts in order to maintain sound doctrine and faithfully communicate the gospel. And yet, the vast majority of Bible readers have little to no training in the original languages. If that is you, what are you left to do? Only to rely on the ...
We are thrilled to begin 2025 by opening enrollment for three LIVE Courses!Hebrew I LIVEIn Hebrew I LIVE, we will study the original language of the OT by immersing ourselves in Hebrew worship songs, making learning vocabulary and grammar more of a joyful activity and less of a chore. ...