Lesson 1 | The First Pass: Divide

Aim of This Course

The Biblearc Block Diagramming Course will teach students how to wrap their minds around a passage of Scripture by going through the first three passes of Phrasing.  This includes dividing up the text of Scripture into its smallest grammatical units, indenting those units, and drawing arrows between them to show relationships.
This close and detailed grammatical study will lead to an accurate understanding of the author’s original intent in a passage, which we pray will culminate in joyful treasuring of and heartfelt obedience to Jesus Christ. Knowledge of grammatical terminology is important for this course, but all necessary terms will be defined and explained within the course.


Students completing this course will be able to…
  • Use many features of the Phrasing module
  • Divide the text into its smallest grammatical units
  • Indent and draw arrows between each phrase to show coordination and subordination

Course Structure and Purpose

The flow of this course is very straightforward: three lessons that each teach you to take an additional “pass” over a text of Scripture. Lesson 1 instructs you on how to lay the groundwork of your study by breaking the passage down into individual phrases. While not the most exciting step, this is critical to be able to consider each and every thing the passage is saying. In Lesson 2, we turn the focus to subordination—considering which phrases govern other phrases, and show this by indenting. Finally, Lesson 3 involves adding arrows for the purpose of clarifying this subordination and meditating on how the entire passage is built together.
The aim of Block Diagramming is to discern the structure of a passage as the author composed it, building our interpretation and application off what we find. Learning this discipline will furthermore equip you to better understand and teach God’s word.

Block Diagramming