Lesson 1 | What is Bracketing?


Did you catch all that?
Let's recap before your first assignment.

What we learned this lesson

  1. Bracketing helps us read the Bible carefully by...
  2. Explaining every proposition’s role within a paragraph.
  3. Understanding the structure of a text.
  4. Letting the logical connections of the text guide our understanding.
  5. Determining the main point and how it is supported.
  6. Understanding that the Bible reasons is necessary for interpretation.
  7. The Bible explicitly reasons (Isaiah 1:18–20).
  8. The Bible reasons even when it refuses to reason (Romans 9:19–20).
  9. We read a passage rightly in its context when we understand the role of each individual verse with respect to the whole.
  10. Context reveals that each part of a passage has a different function, like different members of a royal court.
  11. Context is structural.
  12. Context follows multiple levels of logic.
  13. There are two steps in Bracketing:
  14. Divide the passage into propositions.
  15. Connect the propositions with logical relationships.

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