Lesson 10 | Bracketing the Bible

Bracketing vs. Arcing

What's the difference?

Arcing and Bracketing are both Bible study methods that serve to graphically display the flow of thought in a biblical text. Thus, both methods are quite similar. They differ only in how they display the text graphically (i.e., with arcs or with brackets). Yet, each method possesses its own strength. Arcing’s strength is to most clearly display how groups of propositions relate to one another. Bracketing’s strength is to most clearly display the main point of the passage.
Consider the arc and bracket of Romans 3:21-26 below.

Notice now easy it is to see from the arc that 25a-25b relates to 25c-26b as an Action-Purpose relationship. God put Jesus forward as propitiation (action) in order to show God’s righteousness and that he might both just and the justifier (two purposes).

On the other hand, the bracket makes it crystal clear what the main point is, as seen by the longest line. “The righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law.” This is the main point proposition that this entire passage supports and explains.

Using one or both

Of course you can still see how groups of propositions fit together with Bracketing, and you can also find the main point proposition with Arcing. But the way each is graphically displayed makes one or the other easier.


Bracketing and Arcing use the same “Discourse” module. You can switch any bracket into an arc or vice-versa in the Text and display options.
