Lesson 1 | Cross-References

Lesson Objectives

One reason that we use cross-references (abbreviated “cf”) is to draw closer to the author’s thinking as we read his words. This is a sweet thing—actually getting into the head of David and Peter and John and the rest, such that we see where he is going and learn to have a heart that resonates with his. Like a best friend of 25 years or a good marriage spanning decades, it is good to know each others’ thoughts and even think more and more alike. All the more with the scripture writers…and the Spirit who taught them to write what they did.


  1. To understand why we use cross-references
  2. To understand the different types of cross-references
  3. To understand how to skillfully use cross-references
NOTE: Cross-references are the gray dots you see on Biblearc. For English, you will find them in the ESV and NASB.
