Lesson 3 | Peeling Back the English


Watch me put this lesson into practice and then give it a try yourself.

Instructor Video: Luke 4:1-2

Your Turn

It is time to walk through The 3-Step Discovery Process for Luke 4:3-4. Be sure to dedicate the effort to the Lord in prayer first. Then click the button where, as always, you will find instructions for exactly how to proceed. Then come back to answer questions.


Now we check your work. Answer as many as you know, then go back to the app and look for answers to the rest. Note that the first three questions have to do with cross-references, followed by questions related to comparing translations.

Which of the following are connections to this passage found in the context of the quotation?

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The devil believed that the Son of God can turn stones into bread. Who else in the book of Luke indicates that he believes that God can turn stones into something else?

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Which book of the Bible teaches more about fighting the devil with God’s Word?

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How else is “Man shall not live…” translated? “Man not live…”

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What do you deduce the reason is for that translation difference?

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Which version adds the six words “but by every word of God” to the end of verse 4?

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What is the reason for this translation difference?

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Instructor Video: Luke 4:3-4
