Lesson 6 | Searching Theology

Assignment: Your Question

Ready to try your new searching skills on your own theological question? Start by forming your question.

Record the initial version of your theological question.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Now think through how to reshape your question for clarity and searchability. Record the updated version here.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Now it is time to search. Use this button with instructions reminding you of the key steps to the process. When you are done, click the “Back to Biblearc EQUIP” button to answer questions.

Paste a link to your search here. (See directions in the assignment instructions.)

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

My final search text yielded (number) hits.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Select how you feel about your search text.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Select what best describes your search results.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Record your answer to your question, including verse references.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

How has God met with you in your study this lesson?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
