Lesson 5 | Second Noun Pattern


Re-translate the CAPITALIZED English words into their Greek form.

Below you will find 15 sentences from the Greek NT that we translated into English. We also CAPITALIZED the English translation of certain Greek words in each sentence. Re-translate and replace the CAPITALIZED English word(s) with the proper Greek form.
  1. Case, not word order, determines how a noun functions in the sentence. Make sure you consider what role the noun is playing in the sentence and use the correct case for the noun when you re-translate. Do not include accents and breathing marks.
  2. We can translate English constructions like “of life” with one Greek word in the genitive case: ζωῆς. Similarly, we can translate English constructions like “to life” with one Greek word in the dative case: ζωῇ. However, prepositional phrases like “IN the WORD” require more than one word: εν λογῳ.
  3. Watch out for prepositions! Remember that prepositions take their object in a specific case or cases. Choose the correct case for the object of a preposition.
  4. Do not retranslate words that we did not capitalize. For example, you do not need to retranslate “the” in the phrase “IN the WORD”: εν λογῳ.
*Do not include accents or breathing marks in your answers.


He spoke the WORD OF CHRIST.
He spoke the λογον Χριστου.

1. For GOD is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit IN the GOSPEL OF his SON…

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2. He brought us INTO the KINGDOM OF the SON OF his LOVE.

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3. on the day when GOD will judge the hidden things OF PEOPLE ACCORDING TO my GOSPEL (κατα+accusative) THROUGH CHRIST Jesus.

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4. AND TO the ANGEL OF the CHURCH in Sardis, write: “Thus says the One who is holding the seven spirits OF GOD and the seven stars. I know your WORKS.”

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5. For I am convinced that neither DEATH nor LIFE nor ANGELS nor RULERS (αρχη) nor things that are nor things that will be nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created things will be able to separate us AWAY FROM the LOVE OF GOD that is IN CHRIST Jesus our Lord.

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6. For GOD so loved the WORLD , with the result that he gave his one and only SON , so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but instead would have eternal LIFE.

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7. Jesus said: “I give praise to you, Father, LORD OF HEAVEN AND OF EARTH , because you are the one who hid these things from the wise and understanding, and the one who revealed them to children.

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8. Now hope is not put to shame because the LOVE OF GOD has been poured out IN our HEARTS through the Holy Spirit, who was given to us.

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9. And the LORD GOD will give to him the THRONE (θρονος, -ου, ο) of David, his father.

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10. You have the LOVE OF GOD in you.

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11. ...ever since we heard about your faith IN CHRIST Jesus and the LOVE which you have for all the holy ones because of the hope that is stored away for you IN the HEAVENS.

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12. For my EYES have seen your SALVATION (σωτηριον, -ου, το).

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13. A BROTHER will hand over a BROTHER INTO DEATH.

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14. From these stones, GOD is able to raise CHILDREN for Abraham.

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15. You heard IN the WORD OF TRUTH OF the GOSPEL.

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Greek I