Lesson 10 | Vocab

The Next Step

Before you started Greek II, you knew 57% of word occurrences in the Greek NT. After this lesson, you will know 65%!
That might not seem like an enormous difference, but think of it this way: for every paragraph you read in the Greek NT, you know about 15 more words than you did before Greek II. Of course, you also know everything you need to know about participles and infinitives so as to read them correctly, which really is a mammoth step forward.
To take the next step in your Greek journey, we encourage you to begin reading the Gospel according to John. Not only is the Greek syntax some of the simplest in the NT, but you already know 71% of the words that you’ll encounter there! Then, by reading from Biblearc or a Reader's Greek NT, you can quickly figure out the rest with a click, tap, or glance down to the footnotes.
Of course, there is a lot about finite verbs that you haven’t learned. But don’t worry—we’ll get you there in Greek III and IV. Meanwhile, feel free to reach out to your coach with questions about tricky verbs and difficult syntax. And enjoy reading John’s Gospel, which was written for this purpose according to John 20:31 (SBLGNT):

Greek II