Lesson 6 | Adjectives and Adverbs


In this lesson, we learned the following about adjectives and adverbs:
  1. 19 New Adjectives and Adverbs:

Lesson 6 Vocabulary
πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
much, many (adjective); often (adverb)
ἅγιος, ἅγια, ἅγιον (2-1-2)
holy (adjective)
πρῶτος, πρῶτη, πρῶτον (2-1-2)
first (adjective)
again (adverb)
νεκρός, νεκρά, νεκρόν (2-1-2)
dead (adjective)
μόνος, μόνη, μόνον (2-1-2)
alone; only (adjective)
ἴδιος, ἴδια, ἴδιον (2-1-2)
one's own (adjective)
ὅσος, ὅση, ὅσον (2-1-2)
as much as; as many as (adjective)
ὅλος, ὅλη, ὅλον (2-1-2)
whole (adjective)
καλός, καλή, καλόν (2-1-2)
good; beautiful (adjective)
εἷς, μία, ἕν (3-1-3)
one (adjective)
thus; in this manner (adverb)
Ἰουδαῖος, Ἰουδαῖα, Ἰουδαῖον (2-1-2)
Jewish (adjective)
ἄλλος, ἄλλη, ἄλλον (2-1-2)
other; another (adjective)
ἀγαθός, ἀγαθή, ἀγαθόν (2-1-2)
good (adjective)
ἕτερος, ἕτερα, ἕτερον (2-1-2)
other (adjective)
there (adverb)
now (adverb); the present (noun)

2. An adjective is a word that describes nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives
3. Greek adjectives function in three ways:
  1. Attributive adjectives attribute or assign qualities to the words they describe
  2. Predicate adjectives predicate or state something about the words they describe
  3. Substantival adjectives substitute or stand in for nouns
4. A few basic rules can help us determine how an adjective is functioning:
  1. Always Attributive: The adjective is with the article
  2. Always Predicate: The adjective is without the article but the noun is with it
  3. Always Substantival: The adjective is with the article and there is no other word the adjective could describe
  4. Attributive or Predicate: There is no article. Context decides.
5. When the demonstrative pronouns (οὗτος and έκεῖνος) and the interrogative pronoun (τις) function as adjectives, they take the predicate position but function attributively
6. αὐτός can function in three ways:
  1. The Third Person Pronoun
  2. Predicate Position: When αὐτός is in the predicate position, it functions as an emphasizing pronoun (translated with a -self pronoun).
  3. Attributive Position: When αὐτός is in the attributive position, it functions as an identical adjective (translated as “the same”).
7. An adverb is a word that describes a verb
8. Greek adverbs do not change their form

Greek 1 (retired)