Lesson 7 | Greek Verbs and Present (Imperfective) Participles

Guided Practice 1: Mark 1:4

You have now learned how present participles form and function. We looked together at several examples from the Greek NT. Now, it is time for you to practice. Before we start translating , let’s practice parsing participles first. Use the quizlet below to practice parsing present participles from the verbs you already know.

Now, let’s practice translating verses from the Greek NT that contain present participles. Use our five-step translation process.
  1. Read the text aloud
  2. Diagram and translate the text by using our five-step process
  3. Clauses: Divide the text into clauses. I usually divide adverbial participles into their own clauses.
  4. Main Verb: Identify the main verb
  5. Subject: Identify the verb’s subject
  6. Object: Identify the verb’s object (or predicate nominative)
  7. Extras: Identify and diagram the remaining parts
  8. Watch the video to check your work.
Check the Diagramming Components PDF if you have questions about how to diagram participles.

(1) Read aloud. (2) Diagram & translate with the 5 Steps.

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