Lesson 8 | Vocab: Prepositions
One further point of encouragement as you press on with vocab is the fact that you are actually learning more words than we are counting—or very nearly learning more. What I mean is that many words you have learned have other cognates that are not mentioned since they occur fewer than 100 times in the תנ״ך. For example, you may recall this line from the song in the previous lesson:
עִבְדוּ אֶת־יְהוָה בְּשִׂמְחָה
(Serve the LORD with joy!)
When you remove the prefix preposition from the final word, it should look familiar. The word שָׂמַח from this lesson’s vocab has the same root. Knowing שָׂמַח makes it pretty easy to guess at what שִׂמְחָה means, even though we have not included it in your vocabulary since it only occurs 94x in the Bible. In other words, you get שִׂמְחָה for free!
Keep your eyes open for another cognate of שָׂמַח later in this lesson.