Lesson 1 | Vocab


In each vocabulary lesson, you’re going to work on memorizing the Hebrew of Exodus 34:5-7. There are three reasons why we have included Bible memorization in this course, and in our other language courses:

1. It will help you learn inductively.

You have already been given new vocabulary to memorize in a list. But that’s not the most natural way to learn a language. As children, we learned words as adults talked with us. We learned phrases and idioms that we didn’t understand, but could use—our full understanding came later. The best way to learn a language isn’t through paradigms and rules but through extensive exposure.
So in Exodus 34:5-7, you’ll learn words as they occur “in the wild”—that is, in the text of Scripture itself. The more you memorize and even just read, the more words and syntactical constructions (groups of words) you’ll absorb in the process.

2. It will help you quickly improve your Hebrew through a passage you’re already familiar with.

Most of you will be familiar with Exodus 34:5-7 in English, especially verses 6-7. Here, the LORD shows Moses his glory. You will find that learning it in Hebrew helps you understand the passage more deeply, and so worship the Lord more joyfully. We’ve chosen it because verses 6-7 are the passage the Old Testament quotes most.

3. It will be a means of grace.

The LORD exhorted his people,

As you internalize these verses through memorization, may our Lord use them to deepen your knowledge of him, your love for him, and your delight in the righteousness that he, too, loves.

Setting The Stage

Here’s the process you’ll follow in each memorization step:
1. Listen to me read all of Exodus 34:5-7, following along in the text below.

2. Then listen to me read verse 5. Do so at least five times.

Working On Pronunciation

3. Now listen to me read each phrase of verse 5, and then say each phrase after me.

וַיֵּ֤רֶד יְהוָה֙ בֶּֽעָנָ֔ן (Yahweh went down in the cloud)
וַיִּתְיַצֵּ֥ב עִמּוֹ֖ שָׁ֑ם (and set himself with him there)
וַיִּקְרָ֥א בְשֵׁ֖ם יְהוָֽה (and proclaimed the name of Yahweh)

Hebrew III