Lesson 4: Understanding the Context


The Bible expects us to interpret it within its historical-cultural context.

Biblical Hermeneutic Reference Page: Write the content from lesson 4 for your reference page here.

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Applying the Principle

Now it’s time to apply this interpretative principle to your chosen passage.

Location on the Biblical Timeline

Let’s begin by simply noting where your passage belongs on the biblical timeline.

Where does your chosen passage occur on the biblical timeline?

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Measuring the Distance

Now, let’s walk through our eight-step measuring the distance process in your chosen passage.
  1. Identify any unknown background details stated in the text (places, names, historical events, figures of speech, cultural practices, etc.).
  2. Search for any other biblical references to the same (or closely related) details.
  3. Supplement your study with historical/cultural background resources.
  4. Describe how the original readers/hearers would have understood this text.
  5. Assess the cultural differences. What has changed across cultures? What has stayed the same?
  6. Discern the timeless truths the passage communicates. (Think especially with reference to the nature of God, man, sin, salvation.)
  7. Examine your own cultural context. What related cultural assumptions and beliefs do we hold?
  8. Apply the theological principles across the cultural gap to our contemporary lives.

Step 1: Identify one key background detail from your chosen passage.

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Now use Biblearc’s search to look up any other biblical references to the same (or closely related) details.

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Step 2: Record 10–15 observations from the search results.

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Step 3: Supplement your study with historical/cultural background resources. Note how these resources supplemented your observations above.

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Step 4: Describe how the original readers/hearers would have understood this particular aspect of the text.

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Step 5: Assess the cultural differences. What has changed across cultures? What has stayed the same?

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Step 6: Discern the timeless truths the passage communicates. (Think especially with reference to the nature of God, man, sin, salvation.)

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Step 7: Examine your own cultural context. What related cultural assumptions and beliefs do we hold?

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Step 8: Apply the theological principles across the cultural gap to our contemporary lives.

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Optional Assignment

Students are not required to complete this optional assignment. We provide it here as a helpful resource as you continue to grow in interpreting the Bible faithfully and accurately.
Listen to “The Key to Proper Bible Interpretation” by H.B. Charles, Jr.
