Lesson 2: Interpretation Is Moral


Primary Principle: The Bible demands that we interpret it as disciples, not as critics.

Unpacking the Principle

  1. Biblical interpretation can be skewed by sin.
  2. If we refuse to see the glory of Jesus.
  3. If we misuse Scripture for omens and fortunes.
  4. If we are slow to believe the truth declared by Scripture.
  5. Our posture before the text of Scripture matters.
  6. Believers do not stand over the Bible as critics.
  7. Believers sit under the Bible as disciples.
  8. Conversion entails a transformation from evaluator to disciple.
  9. And so we must be alert to the workings of our heart as we read.
  10. Despite our imperfections, those with living faith can truly understand God's Word.
  11. God grants understanding by his Spirit.
  12. True understanding of Scripture comes primarily through keeping it.

In and through the Scriptures we see the glory of God. What the apostles of Jesus saw face-to-face they impart to us through their words.
—John Piper, A Peculiar Glory
