Lesson 10: Interpretive Tools


Primary Principle: The Bible demands that we labor to interpret Scripture faithfully.

Unpacking the Principle

  • Inquire Carefully
  • Slow down.
  • Be relentlessly curious.
  • Search the Scriptures
  • Labor to read the whole Bible regularly.
  • Use cross-references.
  • Key words
  • Themes
  • Background
  • Quotations
  • Do Word Studies
  • Search the word
  • Focus on key biblical words
  • Look for words that the author repeats
  • Search related words
  • Search the original word
  • Consider the context
  • Sum it up
  • Get the Grammar (Phrasing)
  • Phrasing helps us discern and display the grammatical structure.
  • Divide the phrases.
  • Indent the lines.
  • Add arrows.
  • Label the relationships.
  • Savor the passage.
  • Follow the Logic (Arcing)
  • Arcing and bracketing help us discover and display the author’s message and logic.
  • Pay attention to the "little words"—the logical connectors—that build the author's argument
  • Use Your Words (Paraphrasing)
  • A good paraphrase faithfully captures and explains the text.
  • Five tips for paraphrasing:
  • Clarify the links between ideas.
  • Express the meaning in your own words.
  • Expand the text.
  • Capture the tone.
  • Get back to work.
