Lesson 10: Interpretive Tools
Primary Principle: The Bible demands that we labor to interpret Scripture faithfully.
Unpacking the Principle
Inquire Carefully
Slow down.
Be relentlessly curious.
Search the Scriptures
Labor to read the whole Bible regularly.
Use cross-references.
Key words
Do Word Studies
Search the word
Focus on key biblical words
Look for words that the author repeats
Search related words
Search the original word
Consider the context
Sum it up
Get the Grammar (Phrasing)
Phrasing helps us discern and display the grammatical structure.
Divide the phrases.
Indent the lines.
Add arrows.
Label the relationships.
Savor the passage.
Follow the Logic (Arcing)
Arcing and bracketing help us discover and display the author’s message and logic.
Pay attention to the "little words"—the logical connectors—that build the author's argument
Use Your Words (Paraphrasing)
A good paraphrase faithfully captures and explains the text.
Five tips for paraphrasing:
Clarify the links between ideas.
Express the meaning in your own words.
Expand the text.
Capture the tone.
Get back to work.