Lesson 5: Introduction to Genre


Primary Principle: The Bible demands that we recognize and appreciate the significance of its literary genres.

Unpacking the Principle

  1. The biblical authors proclaimed their message through specific genres.
  2. Genre helps us discover and enjoy what an author intended to communicate but does not ultimately define his meaning.
  3. The Bible is totally true and trustworthy and without error. This applies across all genres.
  4. Studying biblical genre helps us understand what the author intended to communicate by helping us see how he intended to communicate.

Lesson Resources

Biblical Genres: Keys to Interpretationpdf
This reference page summarizes the various "keys to interpretation" taught in this lesson.

There was a lot of content in this lesson! If you want help with any of the concepts in this lesson, or in any other lesson, please reach out to your coach! He is available not only to give you feedback on your assignments but also to have up to two video calls with you per month.
