Lesson 3 | Ask Questions

Be Curious

Let’s introduce the topic of asking questions with a comical sketch. Take the risk and be inquisitive!
in⦁quis⦁i⦁tiv⦁i⦁tis   noun
A relentless curiosity that leads to asking many questions. Contrary to urban legend, does not cause physical paralysis.
I am quite sure that in the previous lesson, while you were making observations in Genesis 15 and Isaiah 55, at least a few questions came to mind.
  • Why did God ask Abram to cut the animals in half (Gen 15:9–11)?
  • What is the significance of the smoking fire pot and the flaming torch (Gen 15:17)?
  • What is the “nation that you do not know” in Isa 55:5?
  • Is there a special significance to the cypress and myrtle (Isa 55:13)?
The aim of this lesson is to help you capture and sharpen such questions. The Questions lens in the Markup tool is designed to facilitate such inquiry.

Lesson Objectives

  1. To recognize the value of asking (and recording) questions
  2. To become a more curious reader
  3. To develop skills in asking probing questions
  4. To learn how to use the Markup module’s Questions lens
