Lesson 1 | A view to the whole: reading and outlining

Assignment: Create an outline

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians multiple times over the course of a day or two. Take time to read the whole letter straight through at least twice, including at least one time aloud.
  2. Use the Outline module to create divisions and add headings using at least three heading levels. Make sure to divide on the topic level, not the sentence level (remember the instructions on this step of the lesson).

Carefully read 1 Thessalonians and create an outline.

If you are enrolled in this course, log in to continue where you left off.

When you are finished, continue to the next step and submit the lesson. After you do so, the instructor's work will be available for you to review while you wait for your coach to give you feedback (typically within 3-5 days).
