Lesson 9 | Takeaways: discerning the key teaching points

Encouragement & review

Lesson Review

  1. Life transformation occurs as God brings about…
  2. …a change of mind,
  3. …a change of heart,
  4. …in accord with his word.
  5. As you seek to discern the takeaways (or key teaching points),
  6. Look for the commands.
  7. Not every passage will have an explicit command
  8. Carefully discern how a particular command applies today
  9. Direct Application
  10. Indirect Application (of a principle)
  11. Pursue obedience that springs from faith, hope, and love for God
  12. Look for the means of obedience.
  13. Look for the motivations to obedience.
  14. Look for the anchors for obedience.
  15. Look to the community of believers for encouragement and counsel.
