Lesson 7 | Avoiding the pitfalls


Identify the type of pitfall each paraphrase falls into.
...so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. —Ephesians 4:14 ESV

...so that we should no longer be like children getting tossed back and forth by waves and carried along by every passing wind of doctrine and easily deceived by cunning schemes of men who only want to ensnare others.

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...so that we would no longer be immature, cast about on the stormy sea where there is the three-fold danger of the bad winds of false doctrine, the dead wind of apathy, and manipulation by strong currents.

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...so that we should put off the immature doctrines of men such as the prosperity gospel preachers who are manipulating people for their own gain.

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...so that we would not continue to be like immature children who go about trying to deceive their way into getting what they want.

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...so that all immaturity be removed and forbidden from the fellowship of true believers.

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...so that we may not act immaturely, getting caught up in new teachings that are nothing more than passing fads.

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...so that we may not be children of slavery but children firmly anchored in the promises of God, secure in the storm. (see Gal 4:28-31)

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Paul defines one goal of maturity in Christ: that believers would not, like naive children, be susceptible to attractive new teachings that are really nothing more than human ideas meant to turn them away from the truth.

If you are enrolled in this course, log in to continue where you left off.
