L5: The Humanity of Christ
Him We Proclaim
Now it is time to pull together our answer to the question.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is our Lord and Messiah, God the Son Incarnate.
He is truly and equally God, existing eternally as God the Son.
Through a virgin and by the power of the Holy Spirit, God the Son became truly man to save God’s people from our sins. Thus, he added to himself a truly human nature with a truly human body and soul.
He lived as our obedient representative before the Father, and he reveals the Father to those whom he chooses to reveal him.
He suffered and died as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
He rose again to raise us with him out of death into life.
He went up to heaven to reign and serve as our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King. Even now, he is sitting at the right hand of the Father “building his church, interceding for us, and reigning over all things.”¹
From there, he will come to judge his enemies, save his people, and renew all creation.
In the new creation, he will dwell among us as the perfect mediator between God and man. Indeed, the Lamb at the center of the throne will be our Shepherd!
By the power of his Spirit, we will love and worship and treasure Jesus alongside the Father forever under his life-giving, joyous reign.
So let it be! Come, Lord Jesus!
As we finish this course, consider this one final quotation from Stephen J. Wellum as well as the following quotation from the Heidelberg Catechism:
...it is not enough for us merely to confess the wonderful truth of solus Christus. As Calvin reminds us, our confession of the wonder and glory of Christ must also properly function in our daily lives. Doctrinal truth must affect the entirety of who we are. As Calvin says, it is possible for us, 'even if [we] concern [ourselves] chiefly with [Christ]' to nevertheless 'stray from the right way in turning some part of [our] thinking in another direction.' There are many good things in life which legitimately demand our attention. Yet, it is far too easy to forget who is central to everything, namely our Lord Jesus. Given who our Lord is as God the Son incarnate; given what he has done for us as our new covenant head and incomparable Redeemer; given the absolute necessity of his work; given that he has represented us in obedient life and stood in our place in substitutionary death to pay for our sin and accomplish our eternal salvation; given that he is the all-sufficient Savior who meets all of our needs as our great prophet, priest, and king; given all of this, our only reasonable response is to submit ourselves to him in complete trust, confidence, love, joy, worship, and obedience. He demands and deserves nothing less.
(Stephen J. Wellum, Christ Alone, 312)
What is your only comfort in life and death?
That we are not our own,
but belong with body and soul,
both in life and in death,
to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid for all our sins with his precious blood,
and has set us free from all the power of the devil.
He also preserves us in such a way that
without the will of our heavenly Father not a hair can fall from our heads;
indeed, all things must work together for our salvation.
Therefore, by his Holy Spirit
he also assures us of eternal life
and makes us heartily willing and ready
from now on to live for him.
(Quoted from the Heidelberg Catechism)
Write one final, worshipful prayer of praise to the Father who gave us his beloved Son.
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