Lesson 1 | The First Pass: Divide
Course Overview
The Biblearc Phrasing course will teach students how to wrap their minds around a passage of Scripture by going through the Five Passes of Phrasing. This includes dividing up the text of Scripture into its smallest grammatical units, indenting those units and drawing arrows between them to show relationships, labelling those relationships, and applying the main points of the passage to our lives.
This close and detailed grammatical study will lead to an accurate understanding of the author’s original intent in a passage, which we pray will culminate in joyful treasuring of and heartfelt obedience to Jesus Christ.
The Phrasing Course does not require a prior knowledge of Arcing/Bracketing, although students who are familiar with the logical categories used in those methods will find some familiar categories in this course. Knowledge of grammatical terminology is important, but all necessary terms will be defined and explained within the course.
Students completing this course will be able to…
Use every feature of the Phrasing module
Divide the text into its smallest grammatical units
Indent and draw arrows between each phrase to show coordination and subordination
Label the supporting relationship each subordinate phrase has with its anchor phrase
Outline the structural main points of the text using vertical labels
Savor each text and apply it to head, heart, and hands
Share the results of their study
Explanations of everything the student needs to know to become skilled at Phrasing
Examples that build upon the foundation of prior concepts as they introduce new ones
A devotional video where the instructor goes through any or all of the Five Passes of Phrasing in a specific text, in order to improve the student’s ability to phrase and to help them apply a passage to their head, heart, and hands.
Motivational elements to encourage students to press through difficult concepts
Quizzes for the student to test their knowledge of each lesson
An assignment for the student to practice what they have learned