Lesson 2 | The Second Pass: Indent

Relative Phrases

Relative phrase
A phrase that begins with a relative pronoun.
The relative pronouns used in English are who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, that, and whose.
Function: A relative phrase tells you more about a specific noun/pronoun, which is called the referent of the relative pronoun.
To test if you have a relative pronoun, and to see what its referent is, replace the relative pronoun with the referent, as in the following example.
Indenting: Just like every other one of the nine phrase types (except genitive phrases), the relative phrase should be indented one tab to the right of its anchor phrase.
You can increase the tab size in the floating Editing box, under the Size tab. I recommend doing this, since it makes indented phrases more obvious.

Finding our feet...
