Lesson 1 | The First Pass: Divide


This quiz will help you distinguish between the nine types of phrases, and solidify your understanding of the basics of Phrasing. If you get several wrong, run over the Review section in the previous step a few times, and then retake the quiz.

How is Phrasing different than Arcing and Bracketing?

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Phrasing is a logic-oriented tool for breaking down a passage for in-depth study.

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Identify the type of phrase: “Appearing to them” (Acts 1:3)

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Identify the type of phrase: “Over the sea” (Ex 14:16)

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Identify the type of phrase: “That supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Tim 2:1)

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Identify the type of phrase: “Who has compassion on you” (Is 54:10)

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Identify the type of phrase: “To be gained” (Ecc 2:11)

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Identify the type of phrase: “The Spirit himself bears witness” (Rom 8:16)

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A good way to start the First Pass is to divide the text according to its English punctuation.

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Identify the type of phrase: "Of your heart" (Psalm 37:4)

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Identify the type of phrase: "Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared" (Matt 18:23)

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