Lesson 6 | The Fifth Pass: Savor
How sweet it is to get to the heart of our study!
What we learned this lesson
During this lesson, we learned three categories for organizing thoughts in the Fifth Pass:
Focus: the life of the mind. We want to think accurately according to the truth of God’s Word we’ve phrased.
Questions: How should I think differently about God/myself/etc. because of what I’ve just phrased? What doctrines are taught in this passage? What specific contribution to those doctrines does this passage make? What other Scriptures add to the truths taught in this passage?
Focus: the life of the emotions. We want to feel accurately according to the truth of God’s Word we’ve phrased.
Questions: How should I feel differently about God/myself/etc. because of what I’ve just phrased? What emotions are expressed in this passage? What emotions does this passage exhort me to feel?
Focus: the life of the will. We want to act accurately according to the truth of God’s Word we’ve phrased.
Questions: How should I act differently because of what I’ve just phrased? What motivations does this passage give for acting differently? What sins do I need to repent of and put off? What good works do I need to put on?
All of the Five Steps
The First Pass: Divide
Divide the passage into phrases. When the phrase is in the middle of another phrase you will need to extract it.
The Second Pass: Indent
Indent the subordinate phrases. The main phrase is set to the left, and subordinate phrases are indented from the phrase they modify.
The Third Pass: Arrows
Draw arrows to relate the phrases. Blue for genitive phrases. Green for relative phrases. Yellow for all other subordinate phrases.
The Fourth Pass: Label
Label the relationships between the phrases identified by yellow arrows. Label the relationships between the genitive phrases identified by blue arrows.
The Fifth Pass: Savor
Wrap your mind and heart around the passage.