Lesson 9 | Digging Deeper into Nonverbal Phrases

Digging for Diamonds or Raking for Leaves?

Studying the Bible is hard work! Doing the Five Passes of Phrasing takes time and diligent effort to do properly. Have you ever wondered, “Is it worth it?”
Listen to this reminder by John Piper:

When my sons complain that a book is too hard to read, I say, 'Raking is easy, but all you get is leaves; digging is hard, but you might find diamonds'
John Piper (Future Grace)

If that is true about reading any worthwhile book, how much more about God’s book? The more valuable a goal is, the more effort you are willing to put in to achieve it. And to know God requires searching, thinking, praying, and time. But knowing him is worth more than anything else you will accomplish in your whole life! So don’t begrudge the time that Phrasing takes; think of it as an investment that will produce the greatest reward in the world.
