Lesson 2 | The Second Pass: Indent


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us “the unsearchable riches of Christ” in your Word—your Word that is perfect, inerrant, infallible; your Word that is not merely a centuries-old book but is “living and active,” and “sharper than any two-edged sword.” As we pursue grammatical understanding in this lesson, please pursue us. Please uncover the sinfulness of our hearts so that we can repent of it and build a life of love for you, joy in you, and obedience to you. In the name of Jesus, the Living Word, Amen.

The Second Pass: Indent

Indent the subordinate phrases. The main phrase is set to the left, and subordinate phrases are indented one tab to the right of the phrase they modify. (You can increase the tab size in the floating Editing box, under the Size tab.)
