Lesson 3 | Searching Details

What We’ve Learned

There are so many Bible aids available to us—I hope you are not getting overwhelmed! Lean on the Spirit to help you and take it slow. Wise reading of Scripture will come with time.

What We Now Know

  1. To avoid lop-sided Christian maturity, we need the whole counsel of Scripture and should not constantly wander via searches.
  2. Exegesis is the process of interpretation based on the substance of a text.
  3. Exegetical questions seek to understand the passage in front of us.
  4. Answering exegetical questions via Bible searches is a way of creating your own cfs. It is important because:
  5. Cross-references are not exhaustive.
  6. Self-discovery far outstrips simply being told.
  7. When searching in an effort to answer exegetical questions, “close” passages carry greater weight.

What We Don’t Know

While you now can look into how an English word is used in a particular book or by a particular author, we have not yet covered how to check where the same Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek word is used that stands behind our English translation.
