Lesson 1: Sola Scriptura


This quiz will help you review the previous two steps. I want to make sure you have the truth of sola Scriptura solidly in your mind before you move on.

The sufficiency of Scripture frees us from needing any knowledge outside its pages.

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Scripture is sufficient for us to know God .

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Creeds and confessions were written because…

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We need no other book or resource than Scripture to arrive at a full understanding of the gospel, as well as other fundamental truths contained in the gospel.

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The Lutheran Formula of Concord stated that Scripture is “the rule and norm, according to which all dogmas and all doctors ought to be esteemed and judged.”

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God’s Word is the authority for what to believe and how to live.

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The doctrine of sola Scriptura reveals that believers need only the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret the Bible.

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We believe that the Scriptures are sufficient because Reformation confessions clearly teach this.

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The Reformers’ belief in the clarity of Scripture led them to…

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Scripture has authority, while creeds have authority.

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“Biblicism” results in people interpreting the Bible…

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