2023 LIVE Track: Foundations of Bible Study

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By Matt Carver
December 9, 2022(Updated August 15, 2023)
Category: Announcements
Have you ever asked yourself, after enjoying a Sunday sermon, “Where does that pastor get all that insight? How is he able to see so many wonderful truths in Scripture?” A look behind the scenes will tell the story of one who has approached the Bible day in and day out, hunting for truths, and building a foundation of God’s Word in his life — thinking hard over all that is written.

Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
2 Timothy 2:7

For those who are hungry to begin a journey of discovery, searching God’s Word through and through, and building a foundation of biblical understanding one line at a time, we invite you to consider Biblearc’s 2023 tailor-made LIVE online course track: Foundations of Bible Study.
Tuesdays @ 8pm ET
Throughout 2023


Paraphrase (10 weeks, Jan–Mar) This course is designed to lay the foundation of Bible Study by giving students explanatory power to live and minister God’s Word effectively. In it, you will learn the big-picture art of outlining, the fine-tuned scientific skill of observation, and how to boldly summarize. Finally, you will learn to expand your words to express His. We highly recommend this course for all who are looking to begin the practice of deeper Bible study, as well as those looking to sharpen their communication of God’s Word.
6th Grade English Grammar for Adults (6 weeks, Apr–May) Taught by a homeschooling mom In this highly sought-out course among Biblearc students, you will learn all that you wish you would have paid attention to in 6th grade English. The fact that God has tied grammar to the principal mode of His communication (i.e. the Bible) signifies that any growth in grammatical understanding will produce big dividends in biblical understanding. To know the grammar of the Bible is to observe with more clarity the great treasure of the Scriptures, which is Christ. We invite all who desire to understand their English Bible better, and lay a foundation for further disciplines in Arcing, Bracketing, Phrasing, and even the original languages, to join us in this 6-week course.
Discovery (10 weeks, Jun–Aug) We live in a time of overwhelming availability when it comes to Bible study resources. Yet most Christians have never been properly instructed on how to utilize these aids. The result is that they either do not use them, or use them without understanding—thinking they know what they do not actually know. This course seeks to bridge the gap. It will train you to skillfully utilize Bible features and searches, with a focus on those available through Biblearc. From following cross-references to making sense of footnotes, from thoughtfully comparing Bible translations to searching Greek and Hebrew words, this course will equip you for making the best use of the tools available, while also shedding light on what you can and cannot know without further study.
Phrasing (10 weeks, Sep–Nov) In order to scan an aerial view of an entire forest, we would be remiss to stop and admire a single tree for too long. But there are some trees of a forest whose beauty demands that we turn back to zoom in on their intricate patterns or shrink before their mighty presence. The discipline of Phrasing is the discipline of zooming in on a single passage, taking time for an intricate analysis, and shrinking before the greatness of God that is communicated in its words. In this culmination of 2023 foundational courses, the student will put their grammatical and observational skills to work in learning to break apart a passage phrase by phrase, visually indicate grammatical subordination, identify the role of each phrase of a sentence, and discover the main point of the passage.
All of these courses will take place in a format that we anticipate will foster a camaraderie with students of like mind from all over the world who are seeking to lay the same foundation in God’s Word.
So don't hesitate to enroll in Biblearc EQUIP today!
