Guard the Deposit: Arcing 2 Timothy

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By Nate Davidson
September 21, 2021
Category: Announcements
Long-time users might remember that Biblearc used to provide live book study courses. Well, we’ve got good news: Book studies are back!
Our upcoming live course Guard the Deposit: Arcing 2 Timothy leads students to arc through 2 Timothy.

By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.
2 Timothy 1:14

Grow in Arcing

Our book study courses provide students with unique opportunities to be strengthened in the Bible study methods we teach and provide tools for at Biblearc. Guard the Deposit: Arcing 2 Timothy focuses on arcing and will allow students to sharpen their skills by learning from a teacher, with other students, and through practice within the Bible itself. Sign up for Guard the Deposit to put your arcing into practice in the context of a community that is serious about studying the Bible.

Dive Deeper into Interpretation

But Guard the Deposit won’t just focus on arcing. This live class will also seek to help students practice the principles taught in Biblearc’s Interpretation: Seeking a Biblical Hermeneutic. If you’re looking for a chance to build on what you learned in that course, Guard the Deposit is a great next step. And if you haven’t taken Interpretation, that's okay. This course will prepare you for the principles taught by that course.

Get Equipped for Life

While Guard the Deposit focuses on arcing 2 Timothy, we won’t end there. We can’t end there! This book won’t allow us to do so. Instead, our aim will be the same aim set before us in this great book: to be “equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:17)
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, fequipped for every good work. —2 Timothy 3:16–17
If you love 2 Timothy and would learn to love and live it more, this course is for you.