A couple of months ago, Biblearc hosted our first-ever Live Arcing Workshop—which turned out to be an unequivocal success! Thirty-five participants from five churches joined us for a Friday evening/Saturday morning event. The workshop featured two tracks:
Introduction to Arcing Kick-Start – for those new to arcing as a Bible study tool. In this track, we covered the content from the first four lessons of the Arcing course in order to set participants up to successfully complete the course online (with a complimentary subscription to Biblearc EQUIP).
Refining Your Arcing Skills – for those already familiar with Arcing, we worked through Ephesians 1–3, searching out the riches of this glorious text, while picking up some of the nuances of advanced Arcing.
Why would Biblearc (a web-based resource) host a live workshop?
For us, the answer is simple. We exist to equip the church to follow Jesus through the faithful and accurate study of his Word. This is our mission. And we long to do more to equip churches and not just individuals. We see live, local workshops hosted by churches for churches to be a wonderful means of nurturing a community of believers together toward a faithful and accurate study of God’s Word.
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,
Ephesians 4:11–13
We would love to come to your area with a Live Workshop in 2024!
If your church is interested in hosting a Live Arcing Workshop, (or if you would like more information on what hosting a workshop entails) please let us know using the form below.
Be sure to provide the name and location of your church along with the time of year you think may work best to host a workshop.