Week 4 | Simeon's Blessing

Suggested Family Activities

Here are some activities to consider for your family that connect to Simeon’s blessing:
  • Simeon waited for the consolation of Israel. Often times, those among us most waiting and longing for consolation are the elderly. Take your family to visit an older person from your church or retirement home this week with words of gospel blessing and consolation.
  • Simeon tells Mary, “this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel.” Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. As a family, see how many specific people from the New Testament who you can think of who either rose or fell as a result of Jesus’ life and death. Write those who fell on the left and those who rose on the right.
  • Simeon calls Jesus the Lord’s salvation which he has prepared “for glory to your people Israel.” Consider any Jewish families you know. Ask them if they would want to have an educational family get together. Learn about Hanukkah from them and share with them about the birth of Yeshua (that’s how you say “Jesus” in Hebrew) and why he is the glory of Israel.
And one more song:

A Prophetic Christmas