Lesson 5 | Relationship Helps

Insert Conjunctions to Test Relationships

A great way to determine the correct logical relationship is to try out the passage with “testing conjunctions.” A relationship's testing conjunction is the conjunction that most clearly captures that relationship's meaning.

unless one is born again | he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
Temporal? when one is [not] born again | he cannot see the kingdom of God. No.
Inference? one is [not] born again | therefore he cannot see the kingdom of God. No.
Conditional? if one is [not] born again | then he cannot see the kingdom of God. Yes.
** Note that we replace any existing conjunction with the testing conjunction. In this case, we have replaced “unless.” Additionally, we have inserted “not” in each since “unless” implies a negation.

now we see in a mirror dimly, | but then face to face. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Locative? where we see in a mirror dimly, | [we will see] face to face. No.
Temporal? when we see in a mirror dimly, | [we will see] face to face. No.
Conditional? if we see in a mirror dimly, | then [we will see] face to face. No.
Negative-Positive? now we [do not] see [clearly], | but [we will see] face to face. Yes.
** “See in a mirror dimly” was swapped for the synonymous “do not see clearly” in the last test in order to use the testing conjunction combination “not...but.”

the word is very near you. | It is in your mouth and in your heart (Deuteronomy 30:14)
Action-Manner? the word is very near you | by being in your mouth and in your heart No.
Idea-Explanation? the word is very near you. | That is, it is in your mouth and in your heart Yes.

I am writing these things to you | so that you may not sin. (1 John 2:1)
Action-Result? I am writing these things to you | with the result that you may not sin. No.
Action-Purpose? I am writing these things to you | in order that you may not sin. Yes.

as he who called you is holy, | you also be holy in all your conduct (1 Peter 1:15)
Ground? he who called you is holy, | because you also be holy in all your conduct No.
Inference? he who called you is holy, | therefore you also be holy in all your conduct Maybe.
Idea-Explanation? he who called you is holy, | that is you also be holy in all your conduct No.
Comparison? like he who called you is holy, | you also be holy in all your conduct Yes.

I give thanks and praise, | for you have given me wisdom and might (Daniel 2:23)
Action-Result? I give thanks and praise, | with the result that you have given me wisdom and might No.
Result-Action? I give thanks and praise, | as a result of you have given me wisdom and might Maybe.
Inference? I give thanks and praise, | therefore you have given me wisdom and might No.
Ground? I give thanks and praise, | because you have given me wisdom and might Yes.
* Note that “as a result of” has been inserted in the second test as the opposite of “with the result that.”
