Lesson 5 | Bracketing a Passage

What We’ve Learned

The depth of insight available in Scripture is like a treasure waiting to be unlocked. Many of us have come far and already seen much; we hope this course has enabled you to catch a glimpse of all there is still to know.

What We Now Know

  1. Bracketing helps us read with greater attention to detail in four ways:
  2. It is used to explain every proposition's role in a paragraph
  3. It helps us understand the structure of a text
  4. It allows us to let the logical connections of the text guide our understanding
  5. It enables us to determine the main point and see how it is supported
  6. There are two steps to perform in Bracketing
  7. Divide the text into propositions (verbal ideas)
  8. Connect propositions with relationship labels (starting at the sentence level and building outward)
  9. How to work on a bracket in the discourse module

What We Don’t Know Yet

We don’t yet know all of the glories of the great character of Christ and of his redemptive work because, when it comes to God’s word, there is always much more to learn!

Bible Logic