Lesson 3 | Peeling Back the English

Lesson Objectives

Would that every Christian have the motivation, opportunity, and perseverance to learn the original languages of the Bible! For, since the Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, a greater understanding is certainly enabled by studying it in those languages.
But, of course, that is not a reality. Indeed, it is not the Lord’s will. For many Christians throughout history and today, the ability to read the Bible in a single translation is all that is accessible—even so, what a privilege to have any access to God’s Word!
But that is not your situation.
More than a dozen English translations are available to you for free. What a wonder! But how do you wisely make use of this treasury of translations? That is what this lesson is all about.


  1. To understand the concept of Bible translation better
  2. To know how to compare Bible versions so as to better understand the original
  3. To become aware of the elements of your Bible which are not a part of the original

Note: There is no difference in meaning between our use of the terms “Bible translations” and “Bible versions.”
