Lesson 2 | The Context of Cfs


Watch me put this lesson into practice and then give it a try yourself.

Instructor Video: Luke 3:15-17

Your Turn

Pray for the Lord to meet you and then click the following button and walk through The 3-Step Discovery Process for Luke 3:18-22. You will find instructions there for exactly how to proceed. Then come back to answer questions.


It is time to see what you found. As you did in the last lesson, go through all the questions and answer as many as you know. Then go back to the app and look for answers to the rest. Repeat as necessary.

Which book of the Bible also talks about leaving out “many other” things from the story?

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What else do we learn about Herod’s treatment of John from the other Gospels?

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Which details about Jesus’ baptism only appear in Luke’s account?

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What happens in these verses begins to fulfill a particular prophecy. Jesus will later point this out explicitly. What book is this prophecy in?

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Peter describes the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus in this way: “God Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit.”

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Parallel passages to a portion of this text are found in which Gospels?

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Instructor Video: Luke 3:18-22
