Lesson 9 | Searching the Original
It is time to turn to a fresh demonstration.
Instructor Video: Luke 5:12-13
Your Turn
Don’t review the questions below quite yet. First, go to Luke 5:14-16 on your own.
Now let’s see if you investigated the same things I did. If not, no worries. Go back to the app to find more answers.
According to cfs, in what situations found in other passages does Jesus require a person to show himself to a priest?
What was the offering this healed leper was required to make?
What other verbs are translated from the Greek word behind “charged” in the ESV?
True or false: The Greek word behind “cleansing” (v14) is related to the Greek word behind “clean” (v12).
What are different ways that the word behind “cleansing” is used in the NT?
What else in Luke’s Writings does the Greek word behind “proof” refer to?