Lesson 8 | Original Language Tools


The following quiz will provide you with instant feedback as you answer questions. If you get more than two wrong on the first try, you should review the previous steps before moving on.

What is the “lexical form” of an original language word?

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Which of the following are examples of a part-of-speech?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

True or false: You should expect each occurrence of a word to carry only a single definition.

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Which of the following lexicons is the most exhaustive?

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Which of the following lexicons covers the entire Bible?

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Which of the following lexicons is for the Hebrew and Aramaic of the OT only?

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Which of the following lexicons is for Greek only?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

True or false: Noting a word’s cognates is a reliable way to determine its definition.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Which of the following are grammatical details that typically alter the meaning of an original language word?

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