Lesson 8 | Original Language Tools

Adding To Our 3-Step Process

We now have another sub-step to add to our 3-Step Discovery Process.

1. Read the passages that the writer expects you to be familiar with.

2. Study the passage of focus.

3. Use Bible study tools to refine your study

  1. View cfs to clarify and get context
  2. Read the context of cfs as needed
  3. Consider footnotes
  4. Examine different translations and their footnotes
  5. Supplement with a search
When you come to this step, you should pick what seem to be the most important words for understanding the passage. For each, first read the gloss of the original language word behind the translation. Then, look for the key grammatical details discussed in this lesson. (If it is a Hebrew verb, pay attention to the stem. If it is a Greek preposition, look at the case.) Finally, read through the lexical entries for this word.

Ready to do it yourself?
