Lesson 8 | Original Language Tools

What We’ve Learned

Wow! You are now able to look up Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words when studying the Bible! If this skill was not previously among your abilities, this is a huge step forward.

What We Now Know

  1. How to use two of the four main types of original language tools:
  2. Gloss
  3. Lexicons
  4. The concepts of multiple definitions and range of meaning
  5. The three major lexicons on Biblearc
  6. Strong’s
  7. Brown-Driver-Briggs (BDB)
  8. Thayer’s
  9. Two important original language grammatical dynamics
  10. Hebrew verbs have a stem that affects their meaning
  11. Greek prepositions have a case that affects their meaning

What We Don’t Know

We’ve already discussed it twice in this lesson—you will need to maintain humility in terms of what you can discover about the intended meaning from the original languages without understanding the grammar. Still, you can understand a ton using original language Bible study aids!
