Lesson 8 | Original Language Tools


Now we try things out. Once again, we will not spend much time on the rest of The 3-Step Discovery Process for this lesson to allow us to focus on this sub-step.
Note: In the video below, the instructor clicks on English words in the passage to see the relevant Greek words. However, Biblearc’s user interface has since been updated. Now, as you have seen in this lesson, you get to original language words by first clicking on the verse numbers and then utilizing the chart or inline tabs.

Instructor Video: Luke 4:42-44

Your Turn

With your focus on original language words, study Luke 5:1-3. Then come back to answer questions.


How did it go? Answer the question you know and go back for the rest.

What phrase appears to be translated as an idiom since the Greek words behind it don’t precisely match it?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Which English word in this text is translated from the most common Greek word (i.e. with the most hits)?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

What common English word is translated from a more particular Greek word in vs 3? (Its meaning in English is only made clear by the context.)

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

There are two occurrences of a single Greek word in this passage that are translated in two different ways. What are the English translations? In vs 1: In vs 3:

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

This passage contains a Greek word that, if the context was ignored and another of its definitions was used, would indicate that space exploration was in view. The English translation used in the ESV is whereas the alternative definition not used is .

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
