Lesson 5 | Second Noun Pattern

Guided Practice: John 3:17

In the next two steps, we want to practice and use what we learned in order to read the Greek NT. On each step, you will find a verse from the Greek NT with first and second pattern nouns, along with prepositions and connectors. You need to do the following things:
  1. Read the text aloud.
  2. Parse any first or second pattern nouns. This means that you need to identify the noun’s lexical form, case, gender, and number. For example, I would parse λόγῳ as dative, masculine, singular from λόγος. Do this either verbally or using a piece of scratch paper.
  3. Diagram and translate the text by using our five-step process.
  4. Clauses: Divide the text into clauses
  5. Main Verb: Identify the main verb
  6. Subject: Identify the verb’s subject
  7. Object: Identify the verb’s object (or predicate nominative)
  8. Extras: Identify and diagram the remaining parts
  9. A genitive noun should go with its head noun
  10. Keep prepositional phrases together
  11. Watch the video to check your work.
We colored and highlighted the verbs in each sentence according to their tense-form. (You will learn more about this coloring scheme in Greek II and beyond.) We have also defined the verbs for you in the Helps tab. If there is another word that you do not know or cannot remember how to parse, click on the verse number and then on the word under the Greek Inline tab. However, avoid doing this whenever possible.

(1) Read Aloud. (2) Parse any first or second pattern nouns. (3) Translate with the 5 Steps.

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