Lesson 4 | Vocab

Making Grammar Easier

After learning about first pattern nouns in the previous lesson, you may feel overwhelmed by grammar. Some of the terminology might be new to you, or the concepts, let alone the new case endings! “Why does language learning have to be so hard?” you cry out in the dark, alone, tears pouring down your face.
Lift up your head! As we begin a vocabulary lesson, taking a brief break from grammar, remember this: Vocab makes grammar easier.
After all, learning new words and grammar is a double whammy of novelty. (That's one reason why we divided the lessons into grammar and vocabulary lessons.) But even as you learn more about grammar, and see nouns “in the wild” of the Greek New Testament, the more nouns you know, the less you'll have to work at identifying their cases, since the words themselves will be familiar.
So focus on learning the words in this lesson well, and reviewing the words from the previous lesson. You will not regret it! Anything to make grammar lessons easier is worth your time.

Greek I