Lesson 9 | Infinitives


In this lesson, you learned about Greek infinitives:
1. What is an infinitive?
  1. Infinitives are verbal nouns.
  2. Like verbs, infinitives communicate aspect and voice. They can also take subjects and objects like main verbs.
  3. Like nouns, infinitives can function as the subject or object of a main verb. They can also take a neuter article.
2. Four Rules for Greek Infinitives
  1. Without the article, infinitives are adverbial (they describe the main verb). With the article, infinitives act like nouns.
  2. When infinitives take the article, the article is always neuter.
  3. When an infinitive takes a distinct subject, that subject will be in the accusative case.
  4. When articular infinitives are part of a prepositional phrase, they often have a particular meaning.
3. The Forms of Greek Infinitives
4. Prepositions and Infinitives

The Benefits of Learning to Read the NT in Greek

This is the final grammar lesson in Biblearc’s Greek 2 course. However, you should not stop learning grammar here! You are really just at the beginning of enjoying Jesus in the Greek New Testament. In the future, Biblearc plans to release Greek 3 and 4 to finish leading you through the Greek verbal system. Until that time, find other ways to keep learning about Greek! To encourage you in this journey, I included a video clip from Dr. Rob Plummer.
Dr. Rob Plummer teaches Greek and New Testament at Southern Seminary, serves as an elder, and runs a website aimed at helping people learn to read the Greek New Testament. In the video clip below, he talks about several benefits that reading the NT in Greek provides. After watching the video, I suggest that you go to his website and subscribe to his daily videos.

Greek II Cheat Sheetpdf
Includes infinitive key features, preposition-infinitive constructions, and stems for key verbs

Greek II