Lesson 1: Laying the Foundation

A Humble and Pure Heart


Lord Jesus,
We do not want to miss you as we read the Scriptures, nor do we want to miss anything you are saying. We search the Bible, to one degree or another, but you are the One who searches hearts. So with fear and trembling, we ask you to search our hearts now, encouraged by the reality that you are not only able to expose what is impure, but to purify it within us. We ask you to do so. In your name as the One who covers our sin and gives life,

Primary Principle

The Bible demands that we interpret it according to its nature as the Word of God.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
  1. ...define the necessity, nature, and purpose of biblical interpretation.
  2. ...explain why interpreting the Bible is unique.
  3. ...rightly consider the Bible’s divine and human authorship in interpretation.
